You don’t need more time,
you need to outsource

Your Most Valuable Resources are Being Wasted: When to Know It’s Time to Outsource Your Social Media
Social Media
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The dimly glowing light of the sunrise slowly wakes you up. It seems as though it is going to be a beautiful day. You open your eyes, take a deep breath, and begin to stretch; slowly waking up every inch of your body. Your mind starts to awaken also. You avoid checking your phone as you know that your morning routine comes first. You brush your teeth while humming your favorite tune, meditate, read a few pages from your current self-development book, listen to your most educational podcast while you go for a light jog, take a cold shower, drink a glass of water and a cup of coffee and finally, it is time to open your devices and let the world in. A wave of anxiety immediately hits. First on your list of tasks is to manage your content calendar and post on your social channels. You are an entrepreneur and you LOVE the hustle. But you did not start this company to become a social media influencer! You are a mere vegan gardener with a passion for selling sustainable planting pots! You know that social media is crucial to the success of your business, but where to begin?…

One of the most common challenges that business owners who are building out their social media presence face is how to find balance amongst all the tasks that need to be done in a day–especially when it comes to social media growth. From content production to copywriting to editing and producing to strategizing etc. the list of ‘to-dos” are endless.

Have thoughts or suggestions? Let us know!

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